domingo, 2 de julho de 2017

Moinho de Santana

Estava um pouco apreensivo ao sentar-me no banco para desenhar, porque à minha frente estava o sistema de rega a trabalhar. Não era daqueles móveis por isso sabia que aquele não me molhava, mas como a zona atrás do banco não estava a ser regada ainda me passou pela cabeça que a rega fosse feita por sectores e que a qualquer momento se ia ligar atrás de mim.
Mas entretanto chegou o jardineiro e desligou tudo, por isso pude desenhar sossegado e seco.

I was a little apprehensive as I sat down on the bench, because the watering system was working on the lawn in front of me. But it was the fixed kind, so I knew it would not turn to wet me. Then, as I noticed that the watering was not working on the area behind the bench, a thought crossed my mind: what if the system is working by areas and it could turn on behund me at any time? It was only a thought because then the gardener arrived and shut down the whole system, so I could sktech quietly and dry.

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